
scattered clouds
humidity: 50%
wind: 16.55 mph


For a full day trip of culture and adventure, travel north towards the Colonial town of Granada, while also stopping at one of the country’s largest volcanoes, Mombacho.  Experience the power of this active volcano while enjoying a walk around the crater with an epic view down to Granada.  Then make your way to the city center to experience the charm and history of one of the oldest colonial towns in Central America.  Great food, local markets, and a chocolate museum are just a few of the memorable attractions throughout a day in Granada.

If you are feeling adventurous, fly through the canopy or rappel down a waterfall inside the jungle near San Juan del Sur. This canopy zipline tour is a great way to experience a unique perspective of the natural landscape of Southern Nicaragua.

There is nothing sweeter than wrangling in dinner for your family from the side of a panga (local fishing boat). Red snapper, yellowfin tuna, and mackerel are just some of the premier fish that are available just off our shores.  Book a fishing trip directly with Everyday Nicaragua and we will be sure to “hook” you up with the best captain and boat around.  No matter where you are staying, fishing trips are available all year.

No matter where you are staying, boat trips are available for a surfing or fishing trip.  If you are staying in Hacienda Iguana, boats can be arranged to pick you up just off the beach at Colorado, but be aware that you will need to swim/paddle to the boat as they cannot launch from the beach.  Driving to Gigante Bay and launching directly from the beach is another option.  If you are staying in the Popoyo/Guasacate area, boats can also be arranged to pick you up in front of wherever you are staying, or you can drive to Astillero (20 minutes drive north).  Astillero is a fishing village inside a protected bay where the boat can launch easily from shore.

Da’Flying Frog Adventures is located just outside San Juan del Sur and offers epic canopy tours in the jungle.  Zip lining, waterfall rappeling, and horseback riding tours are available onsite.